Friday, December 3, 2010

Pay per hour... for me!

Yesterday I got paid for my services!  200RMB an hour.

I got paid to tutor this girl, Carolina in English.  If her name does not sound Chinese to you, you are correct.  She's Chilean!  I studied in Chile for 6 weeks so I was excited to meet up with a Chilean.  This was a win-win-win situation because

1. I got paid!  I pay my tutor 100 an hour so I can now afford that wooo.
2. I got to speak Spanish! Carolina speaks NO english.  It must be so difficult living here speaking no Chinese or English.
3.  Her brother is cuteeeeeeee. Kat (my roomate in Chile) and I used to joke there was only one cute Chilean (she was dating him) but I guess there are a few more. He was the one who contacted me about looking for a tutor. Oh and he works in the wine busineness so we have similar interests.

But just my luck, the day was not all well.  I was woken up at 4am by my obnoxious drunk roommates and I couldn't go back to sleep. I say I NEED 7 hours of sleep a night and I am not joking.  It used to be 8 but a semester of working on a campaign, classes, and waitressing reduced that to 7.  Some people think its ok to stay up late if we are having fun but I still NEED 7 hours.  Stupid boys caused me to get 3.5.  Clearly we can't be friends anymore.

Also, I was waiting for Deigo and Carolina at Starbucks and started feeling very sleepy and sick.  I ran to the bathroom and projectile vomited all over it.  I took the subway home and it happened again, just off the subway.  Blair (Miami sisterfriend) puked outside the metro in Chicago after work and said it was her most embarassing story.  I tried to comfort her by telling her all the many embarassing places I got sick (Dolphin/Landshark/Sunlife Stadium, a bus to the Orange Bowl, a bus to formal (can't do buses), pulled over on the side of the road (can't do cars), Newport beach....) but now I know she is right.  There's nothing more humilating than a crowded train station of watching you spill your lunch into the trash.  So I slept for twelve hours and I am still in bed.  Annie and I are suppose to go to Nanjing today (3 hour train ride away) and I am hoping she forgets because the thought of getting out of bed is dreadful.

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