Sunday, December 5, 2010

I am a weapon of massive consumption

For the third day in a row I have been dreadfully sick and living off of gatorade and crackers.  I did however sumon the strength to go shopping.  It was a beautiful 68 degree December day and I couldnt spend it cramped up in the apartment... so I spent it cramped up in Cloud 9 shopping mall with a million Chinese folks.

This weekend is semiformal weekend at Miami and out of nostalgia... I needed a dress.  I tried on a bunch and wanted them all but settled on just one :(

Then I went to meet Jenny, Ellyse and Josh at Keqiguan AKA Science and Technology Center.  This is knockoff/stolen goods/hiden gem heaven.  Jenny and Ellyse are hilarious. They go there daily and have all of these shop owner "friends".

I liked their scarf friend so I bought a red one and I even bought a hat... and I hate hats!  This one is cute... I think.

Oh and 10 kuai ($1.50) pearl (?) earings that seemed to pass every test for pearl (I put them in my mouth, why not I'm already sick, and we scraped them hard with pliers).

Hmmm and I also bought Rosetta Stone Italiano for $10... a savings of $590!  This will be left in plastic until I master Chinese.... waaaaaahahaha never.

Sometimes you win some (today) and sometimes you lose some (I'm just going to walk away when I hear the word "leather").

Did shopping make me feel better? mmmm no.  Was it fun? Absurdly. I might stay home from work but the thought of getting oxycodone from the school nurse is very tempting.

PS extra bags on delta are $150 EACH... if anyone in my family finds a cheap RT flight it might be more cost efficient.

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