Thursday, December 9, 2010

Art Week

Some people (artists) say that schools do devoute enough resources to studying the arts.  I fully support art or band class or any other extra-curricular activies (Glee Club) which are art related however, I do not find it appropriate to cancel 15 periods of class, right before period quiz week, for students to dance on stages as sluts.  Ok only a few girls danced like sluts but my school did cancel all afternoon classes for a week.  Plus it became an acceptable excuse the week before art week for students to skip class for practice.  Here are just a few of the highlights from the inter-class talent show today.
Grade 10: If you watch just one video, this is it.

Chinese section grade 11. So cute. So innocent. Instead of no pants, they were bright colored pants :)

This is my supervisor Jess dressed as a boy (I didn't even recognize her at first!) and my roommate Mike and teacher Brian
Oh and I almost forgot, I had to sing Apologize (the One Republic song) on stage with ESL.  Brilliant.

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