Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Its snowing in Shanghai!

Its snowing in Shanghai and I am not happy about it.

This made my unbearably long walk to Lion's cave/house even worse.  Lion's mom told me 在上海不常常下雪 (In Shanghai it does not often snow).  Lucky me.

People say I am from New York I should be used to it. I compare it to a shotgun wound.  If you're shot many times, it doesn't make the last one hurt any less than the first.

I've never missed Miami more :(

In other depressing news, it is period quiz week and I just finished grading math quizes.  They are REALLY bad.  Worst than expeceted. BAD BAD BAD. I can't cover the details because it really is depressing.  The only thing that could make the situation more depressing would be if my school were in America.  And speaking of which, two of my students (twins) tried to delay math class today by going on their tirad of how America is making the world a worse place.  They do this in all of the their classes.  I've avoided it thus far this school year since I thought math was a non-biased subject. They also told me more people die from coconuts than terroris and that I should sell ALL my stock and buy silver.  No thank you, I will not take financial advice from someone who cannot subtract -1 from -3.  Their dad is apparently some important financial guy so they may know more than i want to believe.  I think I would actually like their dad, he's big on finance plus he is making them go to school in America! hahaha I am a little concerned they will be arrested for "subversion of the state" a la Liu Xiaobo but we don't really do that in America.

So here is my Christmas request: may the weather, my students, and the financial markets stop depressing me.  Xiexie ni.

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