Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Naked fingers

The two most common question I get asked in China both have to do with jewelry.

The first is, " would you like to buy a watch?' or "watchy".  I point to my watch and put a kuai into my travel fund.  running estimate is I'll have a few hundred kuai in there before I go home.

Question two is "are you married".  Given that question three is "are you a student or a teacher" I seem a little young for married life.  I laugh, say no, and ask why and the questioner points at my ring which on my RIGHT index finger. :(  I've had this ring since my First Communion (which would have made me 8 years old?) and now I cannot wear it anymore :(  Months ago, I was warned that every finger on the left hand means something in China and now I learn, I am better off not wearing any ring at all.  The jewelry industry really needs to fix this impression.

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