Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Chongqing? Whats that?

Why its China's third largest city (4th if you count Hong Kong in China and I WON'T!)
While I was in western China I wanted to go to Chongqing because I wrote a report on how China was focusing on the city.  This strategy targeted two goals of China 1) to develop its interior and 2) to transition into a high technology and service economy. Thereby, Chongqing has become a center of technology, especially green technology. 

For a city so focused on business, I expected to see a lot more foreigners than I did.  I actually spent my two days there only seeing two white people.  They were some oddly dressed girls; one had a parka on and the other was wearing booty shorts. I don't know where they were coming from but it was cold out.

In short here are the highlights/my obeservations.
  • When you have only one tooth and it is your front one, it looks REALLY big.
  • Its ok, even suggested, to eat street sushi (from a vendor)
  • People here LOVE banana bread.  I taught my econ class how in a command economy there were often shortages and people would line up for rations.  This is whant I assumed was going on when I saw, count them, FIFTY people lines up at each of 3 stands for banana shaped banana bread.  Naturally I joined the line and for 9RMB I got about two dozen bananas.  They were super good hot (I won't say how many I ate) but the next day there were nasty.
  • There is a surplus of 5 star hotels, including then wonderful Golden View Hotel which...
  • MY HOTEL HAD PUPPY MARKET IN FRONT OF IT!  I withheld my urge to ask 多少钱? (how much) because I knew if I asked, I would have to smuggle a puppy onto a plane.  The coolest one was a white dog with spray painted orange ears and a green tail (GO CANES).  There was also a dog spray painted like a panda.
  • A cab driver first tried to rip me off, then asked me to be his long distance girl friend, then proposed to me.  He also spoke mandarin the whole ride which bring me to my next point
  • Hearing too much mandarin HURTS.  When I first took Mandarin at CUHK no one could pronounce the tones (still can't) and we would all move our hands or at least our heads to try.  This gave me such bad head aches I took ten minute bathroom breaks.  A week of nonstop Chinese has the same nauseating effect.
  • Due to the sheer boredem of traveling alone I read two books, planned a weeks worth of math classes, actually did my homework, and made spread sheets and lists of everything I have to do in the next 3 weeks.

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