Friday, June 17, 2011

Le Russian Affair

If the Russian Consulate in Shanghai is any indication of what my trip in Russia will be like then I should try to return my ticket immediately.

Trying to get a Russian visa is simply ridiculous.  Trying to get a Russian visa is Shanghai is beyond ridiculous.

Since I was first going to Beijing and then America and needed my passport for these travels I called to see how long the visa process would take. Problem.  The person on the phone did not speak English... or Chinese.  I am convinced that it is near impossible for a person to get by in China without speaking either of these languages. 

So on my first journey to the Consulate I arrived at 8 am knowing that the consulate did not open until 9:30 and joined an already long line. The consulate collects visa applications for just 7.5 hours a week, 9:30-11 Monday, Wednesday, Friday.  Have a job? Too bad.  On my first visit I was shut down for not having "verified travel documents".  I had a ticket in and out of the country but apparently that does not cut it.  What I needed was an invitation from  Russian travel agency, available online for a small fee of $30.  Need an original?  That's $80. 

On my second attempt, I was denied since my verified travel documents said I was a permanent resident of the United States and I was applying for this visa in China.

On the third attempt, I asked my Russian/Kyrgyzstani student to skip (my) class with me and come to the consulate.  I suppose my paper work was ok, other than the fact that my forms were not double sided and I needed to rewrite them, but I think having my translator helped lower the officers suspicion (I am not a spy).

900 RMB (150 USD) later, I had a receipt for a visa.  I have 30 minutes, literally from 2-2:30 next Wednesday to find out if they actually issued me a visa. 

If all is well, its on to Russia June 28. Hopefully my travel partner gets hers too. If not, Finland?

Russian Consulate in Shanghai.  I really don't like this place.  Or its mean employees.  This picture was taken from the Internet since it has been pouring rain every single time I have gone to this god forsaken place.

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