Monday, October 25, 2010

I wish Mondays would last forever.

While most of then world hates Mondays, they happen to be my favorite. 

1) I only teach two math classes today, and they are both after lunch :)

2) I have GLEE CLUB as an elective.  This kids are so creative and when they have fun I do.

3) Long intense runs at the gym so I can then...

4) Go to Blue Frog! 
         Blue Frog is our Monday night spot.  Every Monday since I've been there (9 straight weeks) three of my roommates, maybe four if Annie is ever around :( , and perhaps some friends get together for half off burgers.  They also have buy one get one drinks but we decided to take on a whole other beast.  We decided to go for a record and try all 100 of their shots.  If we complete this challenge, we get our names on the wall and a free drink every time we come in.  Our estimated completion date is Christmas, where we try to forget we are not at home and drown our sorrows in weird shots with questionable alcohol contents. Oh and...

5) Ride my bike home after said shots.
        Give the amount of illegal U-turns and respect for pedestrian safety by Shanghainese drivers this could be dangerous.  Thankfully there is a wide bike lane which has become less crowded with the colder weather. Speaking of which, it is now 58 degrees Fahrenheit at 10pm.  That's a big change from the 90+ degree heat when we arrived. On our bike ride home, my roommates made me guess the temperature.  I said 60 and they said 40ish and thought I was living in Miami too long.  Well I WISH I was still in Miami and maybe if I stayed longer I'd be that much smarter than those silly boys. +1 me.

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