Saturday, October 30, 2010

Halloween Horror Nights

When people say they died on Halloween they are usually referring to the fact that they drank a lot.  when I say I almost died on Halloween I am referring to the fact that I woke up next to a fire.  Literally.

Halloween (meaning Friday October 29) started off harmless.  A couple of us female teachers decided to borrow uniforms and dress up as Jin Cai students.  We got an unbelievable amount of gasps and students taking pictures of us. Both administrators and students were shocked by how young I looked and told me I look like a MIDDLESCHOOLER, not even old enough for high school.  When I walked into my first class I literally got a standing applause.  Some of my 11th grade male students told me I look beautiful and the girls told me to be careful.  Instead of making me feel good about myself I was felt embarrassed to talk the halls.

Look I have a pumpkin head!
Teachers dressed like students

Students dressed like.. animals?

Halloween part II was a party at our apartment and it was OUT OF CONTROL.  There were people who none of us knew, friends of friends, and lots of them.  It started at 8:30 and was maybe fun for the first 3 hours.
Cowpeople and John
Party people.  You can't really see my costume but I am Batgirl/woman

Anyways, about that fire.  I'd like to say I didn't start the fire but, I did.  Being that I wore very little on Halloween and that Shanghai is actually very cold now, I turned on an electric blanket before going to bed.  BAD MOVE.  I woke up about 45 minutes incredible hot and smelling something weird.  I looked to my left and my bed was IN FLAMES.  My first instinct was to unplug the blanket (like it would stop the fire?) and then I threw water on my bed.  As you can see in the picture, the entire blanket was red before the fire, and afterwards there is a huge whole of just charred wires.  It also burned through my sheets, comforter and expensive IKEA mattress pad.  Thankfully, I was without a scratch, burn, or any sort of mark on me.  Some people sleep through smoke and wind up burned or dead from smoke inhalation but thankfully, I was dressed as Batwoman and adopted her killer instincts.

These were once blankets. when I woke up this was LIQUID hot.  Literally oozing liquid blanket.

RIP matress pad.  I think I will miss you the most.

I've always been very scared of fire.  I used to have this repeated dream that Native Americans were coming to take over a lit my house on fire with flaming bow and arrows and I was too scared to go out so I would hide under the bed.  True story, I had this dream at least 20 times.

So I was too scared to go back to sleep and 4am here is 4 pm in New York so I called my mommy on skype (well first I called Jennifer Tang) sorry I as delusional and have no idea what I said).

My room smelled like smoke so I tried to find another place to sleep.  After one roommate thought some one "stole" his iPod (which he magically found later) he smashed glass bottles in the living room so sleeping on the downstairs couch wasn't an option.  I went to the upstairs couch and found two boys on it.  Then I went into Annie's room to sleep on her window seat and there was a boy there too.  Finally, I told Annie there was a fire in my room and snuck into her bed with her and her visiting friend.  Annie actually thought I made the fire up and just wanted to snuggle.  We'll probably have to snuggle again because my room smells awful.

Basically, I am returning to the dark ages and banning electric blankets, Christmas lights, candles, microwaves, stove top cooking, lights, electricity... anything that can start a fire from the apartment.

I did manage to drag myself to the gym today where I listened to Lady Gaga as I ran and it gave me flashbacks to last year's Halloween on South Beach with Padula, Brittany Baby and Nazia.  I miss you girls and I really enjoyed our necessary hour long visit to the Mcdonald's bathroom and sweet talking our way into the Playboy party at The Shore Club. Till we meet again, xoxo!

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