Sunday, January 9, 2011

Teachers' revolt

Some things about this year suck... like teaching.   What's worse is when your professor takes a look at your class schedules and says he will be paying you a visit this week.  On the bright side, I do appreciate him telling us and not spontaneously coming to class like some people do.  On the syllabus for one of my Concordia classes it says that the professor will come twice a semester and although this is the start of Concordia's second semester, Jin Cai is just wrapping up first semester.  Some teachers didn't like this loophole and we decided we were going to protest the professor coming to see us.

First Patrick sent a honest email saying he's just going to watch a TV show.  His students don't care and neither does he.  Mr. Pat teaches PE and one section of ESL so being a gym teacher can cause an extraordinary amount of stress.

Patrick's e-mail was a good idea but I thought perhaps I could send a more reasonable plea. So I did.  So did my classmate Miss Jenny. 

I'll admit, my e-mail isnt that eloquent but it captures the mood of allof us Jin Cai teachers and more importantly IT WORKED.  Pat's + My + Jenny's email = Student victory!  Dearest Wyman see you next year (Chinese calendar, year of the bunny).  Here's my email.  Feel my pain.

Professor Wyman,

I was talking with some other Jin Cai teachers and the consensus seems that this really isn't a good time to visit. When we teach, there is a lot of pressure on us to be organized and well informed about the subject.  However, when we are reviewing, a lot of that responsibilities is placed on the students and, as you know they students just as well as we do, they do not take this role seriously. 

I would like for review to be more interactive and a question an answer session but the students will not review until the night before the test, if at all.  So last class I gave them a worksheet with questions related to the chapter and this week we will go over it.  Sad thing is, maybe four of them will do the worksheet.  So if you do attend the class, it will pretty much be me lecturing and taking away cell phones and other electronics the whole class. The students are extra rowdy lately because they are already on vacation mode and I think it would be much better if you came during Jin Cai's second semester when the kids seem better prepared to learn.

I hope you will consider my plea.

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